Another great project that was lead by my student teacher this school year, was inspired by her love of tape and the artwork created by Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. First grade students began this unit by examining the Mondrian's artwork and identifying the elements of art SHAPE, LINE, and COLOR and how they come together to create a non objective artwork. Next, we discussed how Mondrian wanted his art to connect with others and we brainstormed how and why people work together/connect with each other in clubs such as in girl scouts, sports teams, and when playing games.
For the first day, each table worked together to put together an extra large puzzle of one of Mondrian's artworks. At the end of class, students reflected on some of the challenges when it comes to working collaboratively. Students discussed how they had to be patient and wait their turn or help their peers put the pieces in the right places.
Students putting together Mondrian puzzle.
The next class we focused on Mondrian's use of GEOMETRIC SHAPES and we drew our own and then used tape to add color on top of them. The theme of connecting through art was played out in a variety of ways. Our black lines that we added to our artwork had to connect to our shapes or edge of the paper. Additionally, by working together in class activities and planning out the collaborative mural the students understood how they could all individually come together to create a whole
Composition A, 1923 Piet Mondrian