Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Fourth Grade Masks


For the last four years that I have been teaching, masks have become a rite of passage for the fourth graders.  We start out by examining the history of masks and the different functions they have served throughout time such as theatrical performances, death/burial traditions, rituals, and festivals.  Students thought about what type of mask they wanted to make (animal, mythical creature, cartoon character, sports legend etc.).

Then we covered plastic roylco masks with paper mache to build up a quick armature.  Next, we added parts to make our masks more unique and specific with newspaper and tape as well as plaster kraft to solidify the masks.  The last step was deciding if we wanted to paint our masks realistically or stylistically and what embellishments we would add if any.  Everything we have learned the last several years in art class came into play from creating a three dimensional form to color theory.  Click here to see masks from past years.

In Progress

Student Artwork

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