The third and fourth grade will have sketchbook assignments every week as a way to support the curriculum and aid teaching responsibility. I will post the most recent at the top. Like many artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, students will use their sketchbooks as a tool in the art making process. Homework will be checked every week and assignments will be given out in class as well as posted on this section of the blog for parents and students to access, and shared with all students on their google drive account, in their art folder. Additionally, I can always be reached via email at if there are any questions about an assignment.
Three missed homework assignments will result in students grade dropping (students have the chance to make up a missed assignment with the extra credit). There is list of motivations that students can choose from in an effort to make up a missed assignment. However, extra credit can not be done in place of a homework assignment.
Leonardo da Vinci
Assignment 17:
Fourth Grade: Glue a picture of the animal head or designs you want to use to help make your mask. A photograph is recommended but you can do a sketch as well.
Third Grade: Bring in sketchpad.
Assignment 16:
Third Grade: Click Here to Watch Video and then use the same method as Oli to create a self portrait. Use a mirror to help you draw your facial features as accurately as you can. Color is optional.
Fourth Grade: Bring in sketchpad.
Third Grade: Bring in sketchpad.
Assignment 14:
Fourth Grade: Complete preliminary sketch of Doodle for Google working with the theme of kindness. Click Here for More Info. Click Here to See Past winners.
Third Grade: Bring in sketchpad.
Assignment 13:
Fourth Grade: Read over rubric and bring in a sold color cotton T-shirt for the printmaking workshop.
Third Grade: Complete worksheet handed out in class and found HERE by watching the video. Click Here for Video
Assignment 12:
Fourth Grade: Please read over the Pop Art rubric and write down any questions you may have if any.
Third Grade:To prepare for our next unit, you will need to create an observational drawing of a shoe/any footwear that you own and find interesting to look at. Hint: Drawing from observation is drawing what you see in front of you. Please ONLY use pencil and try your best. We will be beginning a unit on our shoes, so please wear the pair you want to make your art about to the next class, so we can take a picture in class and use for your project.
Assignment 11:
Third Grade: Bring in sketchbook
Fourth Grade: Explain to your parents that you are learning about Pop Art and tell them the object you chose for your print. Ask them if they can tell you an object/clothing/food or fad that was a part of their everyday lives (pop culture) when they were your age. Write what that object was and EITHER create a drawing of it, or find a picture (on Google) to glue into your sketchbook. We will have fun sharing these in class!
Assignment 10:
Third Grade: Bring in sketchbook
Fourth Grade: Explain to your parents that you are learning about Pop Art and tell them the object you chose for your print. Ask them if they can tell you an object/clothing/food or fad that was a part of their everyday lives (pop culture) when they were your age. Write what that object was and EITHER create a drawing of it, or find a picture (on Google) to glue into your sketchbook. We will have fun sharing these in class!
Assignment 10:
Third Grade: Bring in sketchbook
Fourth Grade: Bring in sketchbook
Assignment 9:
Third Grade: Bring in sketchbook
Fourth Grade: Complete printmaking project proposal sheet
Third Grade: Bring in a sketchbook
Fourth Grade: Bring in a sketchbook
Assignment 7:
Third Grade: Glue a picture of a fierce or friendly animal you will like to make a clay sculpture out of for our next unit. Keep in mind, an image of the entire body is recommended and it does not have to be in color. If you have trouble printing a picture, save it into your google drive art folder and notify me before this assignment is due so I can print it out for you.
Fourth Grade: Create a drawing of an animal or object that is apart of your everyday life. While you create this drawing, try to look at an image as a reference. Color is optional.
Assignment 6:
Third Grade: Bring in a sketchbook
Assignment 5:
Third Grade: Bring in a sketchbook
Fourth Grade: Bring in a sketchbook
Assignment 4:
Third Grade: Make a viewfinder to create zoomed in view of an image or object at home. You can use your viewfinder you made in class or you can make another one at home.
Fourth Grade: Create a view that is either birds eye (aerial view) or worms eye (from below). This view can be from imagination or based off of a photo. The art material for this is your choice!
Assignment 3:
Third Grade: Bring in a sketchbook
Assignment 2:
Third Grade: Bring in a color photo of a real or mythical animal from a magazine or printed from the computer, that you will want to create an art project about. Hint: Make sure you find it interesting to look at! If you do not have a color printer email it to before the day it is due.
Fourth Grade: Complete Project Proposal Worksheet
Assignment 1:
Third Grade: Bring in a sketchbook (spiral preferred and no smaller than 9'' X 11").
Fourth Grade: Bring in a sketchbook (spiral preferred and no smaller than 9'' X 11").
Extra Credit/Make Up Sketchbook Homework Assignments
Directions: If you want to do one of these to
make up for a missed homework (in addition to completing whatever you missed)
you can choose from any of the sketch motivations below.

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